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How Many Days Does the Return & Exchange Process Take?
It is within 7 working days after the order is delivered.
Are Returns & Exchanges Charged?
For products that are requested to be returned or exchanged, the return shipping fee to the buyer can be deducted and the shipping fee can be refunded. In multi-product orders, the shipping fee changes as the kg/deci increases.
For products requested to be returned, the shipping fee belongs to the buyer. In shipments with an agreement code, the shipping fee is collected from the buyer. Since the kg/deci increases in multiple product orders, the shipping fee also changes.
Which Product(s) Are Not Included in Return & Exchange?
Returns of products with torn labels, missing invoices or damaged quickly are not accepted. They cannot be returned if they have been used. Returns and exchanges are not available for Outlet (discounted) products.
Which Product(s) Are Included in Return & Exchange?
There is no return on orders, exchange can be made within 7 days with the desired product and model, accompanied by the invoice. If the product is not liked and has not been used (tags have not been removed), it is included in the exchange scope.
There is no return or exchange option for our customers who place orders by taking advantage of our campaigns.
There is no RETURN for products, if the products are not used, they must be returned within 7 business days with the invoice.
You can make an exchange. In exchanges, the shipping cost for both round trip items belongs to the buyer.
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